Doi M: Time-Restricted Slow G-Protein Signaling in the SCN: A Mechanism for Rest Timing. European Biological Rythms Scciety Congress 2025, Lübeck, Germany, Aug 25, 2025 [Speaker] Scheduled
Doi M: Reexamination of the mechanism of oscillation and phase control of clock genes based on parametric translational regulation. Asia Forum on Chronobiology 2024, Sapporo, Japan, Aug 11, 2024 [Speaker]
Doi M: The role of the minimal upstream open reading frame of Per2. China-Japan Chronobiology Summit Forum, Xi’an, China, Dec 11, 2023 [Speaker]
Doi M: Intracrine activity in the meibomian gland: A nexus between circadian clock and MGD. The 29th Annual Meeting of Kyoto Cornea Club, Kyoto, Nov 17, 2023 [Speaker]
Doi M: A new regulatory RNA sequence: the minimal upstream open reading frame of Per2 has a role in temperature entrainment. Centre for Biological Timing Seminar, Manchester, UK, Apr 5, 2023 [Speaker]
Doi M: Circadian clock: G-protein signaling, Aging, and Parametric translation. Laboratory of Molecular Biology Seminar, Cambridge, UK, Apr 3, 2023 [Speaker]
Doi M: Circadian intracrine activity governs age-associated meibomian gland dysfunction and evaporative dry eye disease. Sapporo Symposium on BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Aug 14, 2022 [Speaker]
Doi M: Circadian steroidogenesis and ageing-associated disease. XVII EUROPEAN BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS SOCIETY CONGRESS, Zurich, Switzerland, July 26, 2022 [Speaker]
Doi M: Time as medicine — Impact of rejuvenating circadian transcriptional and metabolic activity. International Symposium Metabolic Medicine: Decoding Cellular Plasticity, In Memory of Paolo Sassone-Corsi, University of California, Irvine, US, July 13, 2022 [Speaker]
Doi M: Circadian clock: disease etiology and drug target exploration. The 5th Asian Forum on Chronobiology, Kaifeng, China (virtual & onsite), July 18, 2021 [Speaker]
Doi M: Time as medicine and disease etiology. The CFBT Summer Showcase, Manchester, UK (virtual & onsite), June 29, 2021 [Speaker]
Doi M: Time-restricted G-protein signaling through Gpr176/Gz/Rgs16 sets the pace of the central clock. V World Congress for Chronobiology, Suzhou, China, April 25, 2019 [Speaker]
Doi M: Circadian regulation of G-protein signaling defines morning person. Are you a lark or an owl? Ph.D Program in Biotechnology and Research Development-Special Lecture, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 19, 2018 [Lecture]
Doi M: Sleep Brain: Why do we need sleep? The Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium 2017, Bad Neuenahr, Germany, Sept 21-24, 2017 [Program Manager]
Doi M: G-protein coupled receptors in the SCN: Timed Gi/Gz signalling sets the pace of circadian behaviour. XV European Biological Rhythms Society Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug 2, 2017 [Speaker]
Doi M: Clock Genes and Salt-Sensitive Hypertension: A new type of aldosterone synthesizing enzyme controlled by circadian clock and angiotensin II. Hypertension Summit 2016, Kyoto, Japan, Aug 31, 2016 [Speaker]
Doi M: A new class of Gz-linked orphan GPCR in the brain’s central clock. Universitat zu Lubeck, CBBM Lectures, Lubeck, Germany, June 14, 2016 [Speaker]
Doi M and Okamura H: Identification of a new class of GPCR signalling that tunes the central clock. Asian Forum on Chronobiology in 2015, Sapporo, Japan, Sept 7, 2015 [Speaker]
Doi M: A New Class of G-protein Signaling in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus. International Symposium on RNA and Clock 2015, Awaji, Japan, March 25, 2015 [Chair and Speaker]
Doi M: Circadian G-protein Signaling in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, The 2nd Bristol-Kyoto Symposium, Neuroscience session, Kyoto, January, 2014 [Chair and Speaker]
Doi M, Sato F, Sasano H, and Okamura H: Clock Gene, Aldosterone and Hypertension. Keystone Symposia, Molecular Clockworks and the Regulation of Cardio-Metabolic Function, Snowbird, USA, April, 2013
Doi M: Optogenetics: Manifold Applications. The 8th Meeting of Japanese-German Frontiers of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, October, 2011 [Chair]
Doi M and Okamura H: Coordinated regulation of circadian rhythms and homeostasis by the hormonal suprachiasmatic nucleus outputs. The 3rd World Congress of Chronobiology, Puebla, Mexico, May, 2011
Doi M: Body clock disturbances behind the pathogenesis of hypertension. The 6th International Symposium on Receptor Mechanisms, Signal Transduction and Drug Effects, Kyoto, Japan, April, 2011 [Invited speaker]
Doi M: Aging, The 7th Meeting of Japanese-German Frontiers of Sciences, Potsdam, Germany, November, 2010 [Chair]
Doi M: Body clock disturbances behind the pathogenesis of hypertension. University Medicine Gottingen Center for Internal Medicine Seminar, Gottingen, Germany, November, 2010 [Invited speaker]
Doi M and Okamura H: Salt-sensitive hypertension in mice deficient in the circadian clock regulators Cryptochromes. The 6th Congress of Asian Sleep Research Society, The 34th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research, The 16th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology, Joint Congress Osaka, Japan, October, 2009 [Symposist]
Doi M: Mechanotransduction in physiology and disease. The 6th Meeting of Japanese-German Frontiers of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, October, 2009 [Chair]
Doi M: Biological Clocks. The 5th Meeting of Japanese-German Frontiers of Sciences, Mainz, Germany, October, 2008 [Invited speaker]
Masao Doi APPW2025(第130回日本解剖学会/第102回日本生理学会/第98回日本薬理学会合同大会)(幕張)2025年3月18日 予定 Reexamination of the mechanism of oscillation and phase control of clock genes based on parametric control in translation [シンポジウム講演]
土居雅夫 名古屋大学環境医学セミナー(名古屋)2024年9月25日 First in Class NMN薬に向けてー老化・体内時計薬の考え方ー [講演]
土居雅夫 第18回GPCR研究会(川崎)2024年5月25日 The size-reduced DREADD derivatives for AAV-assisted multimodal chemogenetic control of neuronal activity and behavior [講演]
土居雅夫 第96回日本生化学会大会(福岡)2023年11月2日 翻訳制御を介した細胞時計のリズム位相調和とその生体生理における意義 Phase fitness of cellular clocks through translational regulation and its role in physiology [シンポジウム講演]
土居雅夫 第10回 AAA(Academy of Aging and CArdiovascular-Diabetes Research)(東京)2022年1月8日 新奇のイントラクライン機構を介した加齢性眼疾患・ドライアイ症治療法の開発―NAD+要求性ステロイド合成のサーカディアンリズムが鍵― [招待講演]
Masao Doi 第85回日本循環器学会学術集会(横浜ハイブリッド開催)2021年3月27日 Research for drug discovery aimed at circadian rhythm regulation by time-restricted gating of G-protein signaling [シンポジウム講演]
土居雅夫 第3回日本循環器学会基礎研究フォーラム(東京)2019年9月7日 Non-coding cis-regulatory element E’-box of Period2 is essential for daily maintenance of organismal behavior and physiology [シンポジウム講演]
Doi M and Okamura H 第32回日本分子生物学会年会(横浜)2009年12月11日 Salt-sensitive hypertension in mice deficient in the circadian clock regulators Cryptochromes [シンポジウム講演]